Four Lane Road Update - Q4 2023

I haven’t written in a while because there’s just been too much going on.  It’s been a year of a lot of minor health issues (multiple skin infections, deep glute bruise, torn rotator cuff and a weakened immune system from dealing with these things leading to more colds than normal), house issues, car issues, etc.  Nothing catastrophic thankfully, but seemingly one thing after another.  You have to catch up on work, but at a certain point, you need to rest too. 

Shoot, even the Lord rested on the seventh day.

I have done what a lot of people with substance issues do: replace one thing for another.  In my case, I’ve replaced alcohol with sugar and work.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s a better choice, but I still need to get a handle on things.

I’m worn out right now.

Travis is working on the last Mountain Climer EP of the year and, other than vocal touch-ups, I have the second one ready to go.  The third one is close to being done as well.  With Clark releasing a record at the end of the year, I’m wrapping up Four Lane Road business for the year.  Still working on exact release dates, but there should be a Mountain Climer EP, Clark Paterson LP and perhaps a dbcooper release by the end of 2023. 

Putting the basement back together feels a bit daunting at the moment, but it’ll be good to work my body and rest my mind for a while.  My shoulder is still healing, so I’ll have to start slow, but with hockey season underway, and me having been roped into coaching my daughter’s 12U rec team, I still have plenty on my plate.  My goal (and my wife’s goal) is for the basement to be done by Christmas.  If I can afford all the materials, this should be an achievable goal. 

All of this to say, work is good, but so is rest.  Work hard people, but take care of yourselves too.